Automating the Deploy of a React App Using Netlify

3 min readMar 6, 2021

React App

Ok so, first of all, create your React App, or take one that you already have on hands.

  • Make sure to run build before go to the next steps!

Netlify CLI

Have we got our React App??? Sure we have! So now, we need to install Netlify CLI tools:

  • starting by the command npm install netlify-cli -g;
  • In the article taken as base for this one, there is nothing saying about staying in the root of the project but I’m assuming that this is a true (it worked for me anyway…)! So getting in the root, you will insert netlify deploy
  • this should open your browser in Netlify site to login;
  • Authorize Netlify to access your GitHub;
  • As I will use CLI to set things up, you should authorize it either;
  • Ok after the deploy your terminal should look like this;
  • If you access the URL provided in the logs, you’ll access a draft version of the deploy.


  • Ok, go to GitHub and create a new repository for this project;


  • Head back to Netlify and get in the dashboard where you can see your projects and click on Site settings;
  • In site settings click on link site to Git;
  • I authorized access for only selected repos, but this decision is up to you;
  • And after you installed Netlify on GitGub, back to Netlify should appear a window to set publish directory, build command, probably these configs will be already correct, but… who knows how did you set up your React App right?!
  • And finally everything is set up! If you push your changes to main branch it will automatically restart deploying a new version of the application containing the new changes




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